Ready, set, launch!

Welcome! 👋 I’m Russell. Fantastic news! If you’re reading this, it means I’ve succeeded in coding my first post on Jekyll! What’s Jekyll? It’s a static site generator.

Why this blog? My intentions for this blog space are to:

  • share my journey of self-taught web development, including the ups, downs, and everything in between,
  • relate web development to other experiences and parts of my life,
  • write and teach about what I have learned, and
  • connect with other developers and new friends in this vast domain of cyberspace.

Still with me? Good. Who is this guy, anyway? Well, I’m Canadian 🇨🇦, in my forties, and I’m married with two kids. I like travel (we’re currently based in Eastern Europe), world cuisine, electronic music, and being outside.

That was short and sweet! Thanks for stopping by, and be sure to check back often for new posts and updates.
