
After launching worldschoolingpopups.com in early March, I’ve been keeping busy by revisiting some older portfolio projects and learning new tech. I’m in the process of rewriting my restaurant page project in ⚛️ React and including a 📱 mobile friendly design. And I dove into learning more about Postman and API documentation, too.

I’m tinkering around with worldschoolingpopups.com. Rather than allowing users to create accounts and event listings, I put together an Admin page to manage the data input in-house. So now the frontend page only consumes API data. It’s been cool to see the Google Analytics web traffic increasing as more and more people visit the site. 😃

My plan is to build a few more example small-business websites to include in my portfolio. I think it will be fun to offer some small-project contract web development services. And I’m always thinking of larger personal projects that are useful for people. One of the best things about being a full-stack developer is being able to design something conceptually, write the code, and produce an amazing hand-crafted, finished product. 🙌
