I’m not REST-ing, I’m building APIs

In between applying for jobs, I’ve been building a full stack, real world web application. 😃 It’s a worldwide listing of worldschooling pop ups, or events. Wait, what’s worldschooling? You can read about it at weareworldschoolers.org.

⬅️ Back to the app. It’s built on a REST API-only backend, written with Node and Express. The database is in MongoDB. The frontend is coded in React. Users can see a listing of events, read details about events, and post their own pop up events. I’ve also incorporated the Google Maps API to show the events globally and locally. Search features are also planned… the possibilities are endless!

Here are a few sneak peek screenshots – I plan to publish the site by the end of the month. The domain, which I bought for cheap at namecheap.com, is worldschoolingpopups.com.

screenshot  screenshot
