Game jam

👾 I’m participating in my first game jam! What’s a game jam? It’s a team contest where the participants try to make a video game from scratch. This particular jam is being hosted by The Odin Project on The theme is edutainment, a combination of education and entertainment. We have three weeks to build a game for kids using only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript – manipulating the DOM.

My team has four members, including me. We are using Discord to communicate – it’s where we strategize, plan our roles, and problem solve together. I’m most excited about working on a remote team. We each have our own bit of work to do. Our code is stored in a public repository on GitHub, which we need to clone (copy) to our local computers, make our contributions, and then push (send back) to GitHub where it’s merged with the rest of the team’s code.

I’m stoked to be practicing more real-life skills used in web development. 😃 Stay tuned for updates! ✌️
